Just when we thought the world was about to give up on us; that the light was finally fading on our spectacular of special comics, we’ve been revivified by those beautiful people at Time Out comedy once more!
Our fourth foray into our nights of celebrated madness has been made Time Out Comedy Critic’s Choice!
Well, it would be a crying shame not to, what with the unbelievable roster of comedians that we have on this night. From the effortlessly cool cat Lou Sanders and her surreal approach to life’s inaccuracies, to the ‘New Comedian of the Year’ Joshua Ross, Matthew Kelly’s rejuvination, Ahir Shah’s cerebral flights of fancy, Orry Gibben’s morose masterpiece and, of course, Rob Carter’s dulcet tones.
It’s a symphony of comedic voices all screaming from the doldrums of London’s grey paved streets – or the basement of the Pipeline bar in Liverpool Street, depending on how poetic you want to get with it.
So once you’ve voted away your freedom in the polling station, and as the next privately educated white man takes the reigns of this country, embarking on a 4 year spree of lies and greying hair, come and have a laugh and forget all about all those horrible, horrible things that go on in the world.